COOK Academy College Credit

All students accepted into the COOK Academy program are eligible to receive 3 units of college credit for completing the course. College credits are administered through San Diego Miramar College’s REC Innovation Lab through their BUSE-155 course.

  • The credits upper-division and transferrable throughout the entire California Community College system, California State University system, and University of California system.

  • You do not need to attend any additional classes or submit any additional assignments beyond what will already be completed for the COOK Academy program.

*Please note: registering for college credit is optional and is not required to obtain the grant or complete the COOK Academy program.

What you Get When You Sign Up for College Credit

Student Support Services. As a college student, you become eligible for student support services including health insurance, learning assistance, career support services, counseling, etc.

Mentorship/Advising. As a Miramar College student, you have access to additional mentorship/advising in addition to the COOK Academy training/mentoring and access to the REC Lab

Financial Resources. You may be eligible for additional grants, scholarships and student loans

  • Federal grants yearly including: 

    • $5,000 in Federal Work-Study

    • $100 - $4,000 EOPS grant

    • $767 to $7,395 per year Pell grant

    • $5,000 CHAFFEE grant (former foster kids only)

    • Up to $10,000/year in Undocumented Students grants

  • State grants yearly including:

    • Free tuition for those who qualify for Promise grant

    • $1,648 in Cal Grant B

    • $1,094 in Cal Grant C

    • $10,000 in paid work experience through LAEP

    • $2,596 to $8,000 in Student Success Completion Grants (SSCG)

  • Other grants:

  • Laptop loan - free for all students with software (for students in San Diego)

  • Discounted Transit Passes for Students (for students in San Diego)

How it Works

*Students who are accepted into COOK Academy will be provided more information about registering for college credit during the orientation session.

It will involve registering through Miramar College, adding the provided course via code, and paying for the course ($138 - $46/unit). (Students can utilize financial aid to cover the course fee, or use the grant funds to reimburse themselves for the fee after completion of the course.)

Learn More

To learn more about the REC Innovation Lab please visit: