COOK Academy


We're thrilled to announce the launch of COOK Academy, our new education program offering each graduate $3,000 grant designed to empower home cooks to thrive in the culinary industry! This eight-week online curriculum will equip participants with essential skills to successfully operate their own MEHKO businesses, covering topics such as:

  • MEHKO regulations

  • Standard operating procedures

  • Personal vs. business finances

  • Menu pricing

  • Brand management

  • Social media and marketing

  • Food photography

  • And more!

Classes will be virtual and available to watch at your own pace, with optional weekly zoom office hours offered for any questions or support. The first class (orientation) and last class (graduation) will be live over Zoom from 5:30-7:30pm and require mandatory attendance. Cohort dates will be announced in the coming weeks. Graduates will receive a grant of $3,000 and be eligible to earn three units of college credit.

We are now accepting applications for our upcoming cohorts starting in early fall. Please note: if you applied for the previous cohort but weren't accepted, your application will still be reviewed.

We will be running cohorts over the course of the next year, with spots and $3000 grants for 500 people! Please share this opportunity with your friends, family, neighbors, and community. Keep an eye out for regular announcements about future cohorts. Join us as we nurture a new generation of skilled culinary entrepreneurs!

Please note, COOK Academy is only accepting applications from residents of jurisdictions where MEHKOs are currently legal: Riverside, San Diego, Alameda, Los Angeles, San Mateo, Santa Barbara, Imperial, Sierra, Lake, Amador, Santa Clara, Contra Costa, San Benito, Monterey, and Solano Counties, and the City of Berkeley

Apply BElow

